Saturday, March 8, 2008


We occasionally try to break out of the ordinary and bravely try new things. To this end, last night we tried a new little Mexican restaurant in Uptown. On the recommendation of Gabrielle's coworker we trudged down Lawrence to the places official opening. According to the description we were offered, we assumed it was a cute new little Mexican bistro, some place that we could hang our hats and prove our multiculturalism. Gabrielle couldn't remember the name, but knew that it was authentically Mexican. It was a cold night, but we fought through the wind and snow, warmed by the knowledge that we'd have a chance to show the world that we knew how to pronounce items on the menu and that our cultural holism reached far beyond the Taco Bell mentality that so many espouse. We stumbled blindly through the darkness until we saw this sign illuminating the night.

Yup, so it turns out, Uptowns newest and up-and-comingest cultural revolution would be led by the El Pollo Loco corporation(A subsidiary of the Rand Corporation and Lockheed Martin). All of their food is "Authentic™ and Mexican™"

As we step inside to our new little bistro we're greeted by a wondrous site.

As you can see here, there appeared to be a sad, rather confused looking giant chicken roaming around. My guess is that he, like us, was tricked into believing that this would be a quaint new little cultural landmark for the community. Disappointed and down on his luck he had no choice but to take a job at the offending institution. It appears as if he's given up all cultural identity and has been given little choice but to cannibalize his own kind in order to stay afloat in godless capitalist America. He'd sold his dignity for 30 pieces of silver.As he looked around in horror at the commercialized and exploited bones of his ancestry, depression slowly set in, paralyzing him with impotent rage.

It appeared that tonight enough was enough. He worked up the nerve to stand up for himself and try and throw off the yokes of corporate repression. We couldn't hear what was happening, but it seemed as if Giant Chicken was finally ready to spread his wings and embrace the winds of freedom. Unfortunately, the mindless despot walked off without saying a thing.

When he returned he found the Giant Chicken speaking to the customers and fellow employees. GC was just communicating his struggles and his brave realizations about his place in the corporate machine. Unfortunately, Tsar Green Shirt returned and overheard the conversation. He loudly accused GC of spreading anti-establishment propaganda and labeled him as traitor to "the greater cause."

Next thing we knew, he was imprisoned. He, who's only crime was standing up for himself and regaining his identity, was taken away. No one said a word in support. No one, and I'm ashamed to say it, but not even I stood up for him(another indication of how indoctrinated we'd all become). He stood there like a man. A real man, more of a man than any featherless beast who watched slack jawed and agape. We watched in horror as he was "Reeducated" in the ways of the police state that is "El Pollo Loco". But even in torture, he screamed and yelled about the price of freedom.

Finally they led him away. Beaten and bruised and facing certain execution, he stood up straight and bravely marched toward has fate. We looked on in awe as the door closed behind him. His final words "Rise Up Brothers!" were followed by the sound of an axe. Then there was silence.

Finally Gabrielle bravely broke the silence.

"Is it weird that you can get a taco with mashed potatoes?"


Here's a video of Chicken going to educate the workers.

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