Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Subtlety Of Religious Intolerance

Over the last 18 months we've seen a parade of attack ads on Obama from all sides. They say he isn't experience enough. They say he's too young. They say he speaks of lofty ideals and hazy details. They say he's a Muslim.

It's this last issue that I think represents the most disturbing line of attack on not only Mr. Obama, but also on religious tolerance itself. It's being used as a wedge issue to scare potential voters and drum up pride for "Christian Family Values."

The fact is that Obama is a Christian. He attends church and has pride in his deeply personal relationship with God.

But the real problem is that all of these attacks is that they show we are a nation manipulated by fear and intolerance. That people expect us to cower of those things that are different. They expect all of this, and sadly we meet these expectations.

Here's what we've been saying.

Hate Monger:Don't Vote for Obama, he's a Muslim.

Cowering Liberal Pinko:No he's not! I can't believe you'd say he's a Muslim! That's horrible! He's a Christian! You're just saying that because he's black! You Racist!

In this exchange, the Liberal Pinko(the good guy) are, by reacting so violently against the accusation of being a Muslim, affirming the Hate Monger's(the bad guy) unspoken point that being Muslim is inherently bad.

Though, chances are we're right on about the racism thing, here's what we should be saying.

Hate Monger:Don't vote for Obama, he's a Muslim.

Cowering Liberal Pinko:What does Religion have to do with this?

Hate Monger: He's a Muslim.

Liberal Pinko: Personally, I take him at his word that he is of the Christian faith, but even if he were a Muslim, I'd still vote for him. Islam, like Christianity and Judaism and almost all of the other world Religions, is based on peace. It is a religion that honors family and community. A religion whose prophet Muhammad is quoted as saying"Not one of you believes until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself." It is a religion that shares it's deepest roots with Christianity and Judaism. According to the Old Testament, we are all sons and daughters of Abraham.
I assume when you say Muslim you mean terrorist. You friend are an ignorant, racist, anti-Semitic, hate monger.
Besides, he's a candidate for president, not pope. Religion has nothing to do with it. How would you feel if I told you that Lincoln was an atheist?
High tail it back to your clan wagon and go hunt moose with your ignorant degrading friend Palin. Maybe the two of you can talk about how nice it was 6,000 years ago when the Earth was created.

Hate Monger: Ben, you're so cool.

Liberal Pinko: I know.

Hate Monger: I'm informed now, no longer am I a hate monger.

Liberal Pinko: Go forth.

Love Monger:I love life.

Fish Monger:Fish sticks anyone?


1 comment:

Gabrielle said...

You make many insightful, moving thoughts regarding our nation's future that I think a lot of Americans should hear and know and think about. Kudos to you sir. Thank you for being so honest and smart and brave and wise.

also Sarah Palin is a Muslim.